Terms and Conditions

'PlatformE RealTime' Terms and Conditions

THIS AGREEMENT, first published on November 20, 2023, most recent update on 17th June 2024, is accepted on the registration date by


(1) PlatformE International Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 04457695 and whose registered address is at 16 South End, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1DN ('PlatformE'); and
(2) The customer, meaning a user, group of users, individual person, company or group of companies that makes a registration into 'PlatformE RealTime', ('Customer').


(A) PlatformE has developed a web-based sourcing software for fashion called 'PlatformE RealTime' that helps suppliers, brands, individual users and other relevant stakeholders to optimize the product development cycle, in order to reduce time-to-market, by leveraging the power of real-time data and digital catalogues ('PlatformE RealTime').
(B) The Customer wishes to use PlatformE RealTime on the terms set out in this Agreement.


1. Definitions and interpretation
1.1 The definitions and rules of interpretation set out in Schedule 1, shall apply to this Agreement.
1.2 This Agreement hereby incorporates the Acceptable Use Policy, Service Level Agreement, and any Additional Service Terms that may be applicable from time to time.
1.3 In the event of any conflict in respect of the provisions of this Agreement and/or the documents referred to therein the following order of priority shall prevail (in descending order of priority): (i) Commercial Schedule; (ii) the Service Level Agreement; (iii) Additional Service Terms; (iv) the main body of this Agreement; and (v) the Documentation.
1.4 Subject to the order of priority between the documents in clause 1.3, later versions of documents shall prevail over earlier ones if there is any conflict or inconsistency between them.
1.5 These terms form a binding Agreement between the Customer and PlatformE regarding the use of PlatformE RealTime. By using PlatformE RealTime, the Customer acknowledges that accepts and agrees to be bound by this Agreement. If the Customer does not agree to this Agreement, the customer should not access PlatformE RealTime, and if the Customer is already registered, the Customer should cancel his/her account.
2. PlatformE RealTime
2.1 Subject to the Customer's compliance with this Agreement, PlatformE grants to the Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-sublicensable right to allow Authorised Users to access and use PlatformE RealTime during the Term.
2.2 PlatformE may from time-to-time provide new versions or updates to PlatformE RealTime at no additional cost to the Customer (excluding Additional Services and features which shall incur additional fees) in order to: (a) fix bugs or update security; (b) improve general performance; (c) enhance current features and functionality; or (d) support new devices and operating systems.
2.3 The Customer shall purchase the number of Authorised User accounts and Capacity set out in the Commercial Schedule.
2.4 The Customer may purchase additional Authorised User accounts and additional Capacity from time to time during the Term by agreement with PlatformE in writing.
2.5 PlatformE does not own, create, sell, resell, provide, control, manage, offer, delive, or supply any Products. Providers alone are responsible for their Products, the quality of the Products and delivery of the Customer’s Product. In case the Customer has an issue with the Product, the Provider should be contacted. At any moment has the responsibility for the physical products production, logistics, money transfer between other parties or taxes. At no moment the physical products belong to PlatformE.
3. Authorised Users
3.1 The Customer shall at all times be liable for: (a) the acts and omissions of such Authorised Users as if they were its own; and (b) the Authorised Users' compliance with this Agreement.
3.2 The Customer, when a company, shall ensure that only Authorised Users access the Services and that such Authorised Users are employees or contractors of: (a) the Customer or (b) the third party to whom Account User accounts are assigned by the Customer. Access to the Services by anyone who is not an Authorised User is prohibited.
3.3 The Customer acknowledges that Authorised User accounts cannot be shared or used by more than one individual at the same time.
3.4 The Customer warrants and undertakes that it, and all Authorised Users and all others acting on its or their behalf (including systems administrators) shall, keep confidential and not share with any third party (or with other individuals except those with administration rights at the Customer as necessary for use of the Services) their password or access details for PlatformE RealTime.
4. Additional Services
4.1 The Customer may request Additional Services from PlatformE by submitting a request in writing to PlatformE. Such Additional Services will incur additional fees and may be subject to Additional Service Terms.
5. Support Services
5.1 PlatformE will use reasonable endeavours to notify the Customer in advance of scheduled maintenance, but the Customer acknowledges that it may receive no advance notification for downtime caused by Force Majeure or for other emergency maintenance.
6. Changes to Services and terms
6.1 PlatformE may at its absolute discretion from time-to-time make changes to the Documentation or Additional Service Terms. PlatformE shall notify the Customer of such updates in writing. Such changes shall become effective from the date 10 Business Days after PlatformE notifies the Customer (or at such later date as PlatformE may specify).
6.2 In the event that the Customer reasonably believes that any update under clause 6.1 materially adversely impacts its use of the Services, it may by notice elect to terminate this Agreement in respect of the impacted Subscribed Services, provided it exercises such right prior to the taking effect pursuant to clause 6.1 on not less than five Business Days' prior written notice and notifies PlatformE at the time of exercising such right of the negative impact which has caused it to exercise this right. In the event of such termination the Customer shall receive a refund of any pre-paid Fees in respect of such terminated Subscribed Services.
6.3 The Customer acknowledges that PlatformE shall be entitled to modify the features and functionality of PlatformE RealTime, provided that any such modification does not materially adversely affect the use of PlatformE RealTime by Authorised Users.
6.4 PlatformE may, without limitation to the generality of clause 6.3, establish new limits on PlatformE RealTime (or any part), including limiting the volume of data which may be used, stored or transmitted, remove or restrict application programming interfaces or make alterations to data retention periods, provided such changes are made in accordance with this Agreement.
6.5 The Customer will be able to change the Plan with immediate effects. The invoice and payment cycle will only consider changes before the 25th day of the cycle. When the customer decides to change to a year plan, the period starts to count from that day onwards.
6.6 If the Customer decides to downgrade its Plan, PlatformE is not responsible for information lost.
7. Fees
7.1 The License Fees, User Fees, Listing Fees, Additional Service Fees, and any other charges (including expenses) expressly agreed between the parties in writing shall be paid by the Customer at the rates and in the manner agreed between the parties in the Commercial Schedule or otherwise in writing or present at PlatformE pricing webpate.
7.2 Unless otherwise specified in the Commercial Schedule (or otherwise agreed in writing), PlatformE shall be entitled to invoice the Customer:
(a) in respect of License Fees and/or User Fees, on a monthly basis in arrears (and any additional Authorised User accounts purchased in accordance with clause 2.4 shall be pro-rated accordingly);
(b) in respect of Listing Fees, on a monthly basis in arrears (and any additional Capacity purchased in accordance with clause 2.4 shall be pro-rated accordingly);
(c) in respect of Additional Service Fees, as on acceptance in writing by PlatformE of the Customer's written request for the Additional Services; and
(d) in respect of any other Fees, as agreed between the parties in writing but otherwise monthly in arrears,
and the invoices shall be paid within 30 calendar days of the date on the invoice.
7.3 The Fees are exclusive of VAT which shall be payable by the Customer at the rate and in the manner prescribed by law.
7.4 Fees payable to PlatformE under this Agreement shall be paid into PlatformE's bank account identified on the relevant invoice by electronic funds transfer unless otherwise notified by PlatformE to the Customer in writing in accordance with this Agreement. All transfer costs shall be at the Customer’s responsibility.
7.5 PlatformE shall have the right to charge interest on overdue invoices at the rate of 8% per year above the base rate of Barclays Bank PLC, calculated from the date when payment of the invoice becomes due for payment up to and including the date of actual payment whether before or after judgment.
7.6 PlatformE may increase the Fees for any and all Subscribed Services on an annual basis with effect from the subsequent Renewal Term up to the higher of: (i) 5% of the Fees; or (ii) the percentage increase in the consumer prices index (as published by the United Kingdom's Office for National Statistics from time to time, or failing such publication, such other index as the parties may agree most closely resembles such index) in the preceding 12-month period.
7.7 To the extent this Agreement terminates (other than due to termination by the Customer under clauses 6.2 or 17.3) the Customer shall not be entitled to any refund or discount of Fees paid for any parts of any period during which the Services cease to be provided and the Customer will immediately pay any Fees that would otherwise have been payable (if applicable) for the duration of the Initial Term or Renewal Term (as applicable).
8. Warranties
8.1 Subject to the remainder of this clause 8, PlatformE warrants that: (a) PlatformE RealTime, and each Additional Service, shall operate materially in accordance with the relevant Documentation when used in accordance with this Agreement under normal use and normal circumstances; and (b) it will provide the Services with reasonable care and skill.
8.2 The Customer acknowledges that clause 8.1 does not apply to Free or Trial Services or to Support Services provided in connection with the same. Free or Trial Services and Support Services provided in connection with the same are provided 'as is' and without warranty to the maximum extent permitted by law.
8.3 The Services may be subject to delays, interruptions, errors or other problems resulting from use of the internet or public electronic communications networks used by the parties or third parties. The Customer acknowledges that such risks are inherent in cloud services and that PlatformE shall have no liability for any such delays, interruptions, errors or other problems.
8.4 If there is a breach of any warranty in clause 8.1, PlatformE shall use reasonable endeavours to repair or replace the impacted Services within a reasonable time.
8.5 The warranties in clause 8.1 are subject to the limitations set out in clause 15 (Limitation of Liability) and shall not apply to the extent that any error in the Services arises as a result of (in whole or in part): (a) incorrect operation or use of the Services by the Customer or any Authorised User (including any failure to follow the Documentation); (b) use of any of the Services other than for the purposes for which it is intended; (c) use of any Services with third party software or services or on equipment with which it is incompatible (unless PlatformE recommended or required the use of that other software or service or equipment in the Documentation); (d) any act by any third party (including hacking or the introduction of any virus or malicious code); (e) any modification of Services (other than that undertaken by PlatformE or at its direction); or (f) any breach of this Agreement by the Customer (or by any Authorised User).
8.6 PlatformE may make Non-PlatformE Materials available for the Customer's use in connection with the Services. The Customer agrees that: (a) PlatformE has no responsibility for the use or consequences of use of any Non-PlatformE Materials; (b) the Customer's use of any Non-PlatformE Materials shall be governed by the applicable terms between the Customer and the owner or licensor of the relevant Non-PlatformE Materials; (c) the Customer is solely responsible for any Non-PlatformE Materials used in connection with the Services and for compliance with all applicable third party terms which may govern the use of such Non-PlatformE Materials; and (d) the continued availability, compatibility with the Services and performance of the Non-PlatformE Materials is outside the control of PlatformE and PlatformE has no responsibility for any unavailability of or degradation in the Services to the extent resulting from the availability, incompatibility or performance of any of the Non-PlatformE Materials.
8.7 The Customer acknowledges that no liability or obligation is accepted by PlatformE (howsoever arising whether under contract, tort, in negligence or otherwise): (a) that the operation of PlatformE RealTime shall not be subject to minor errors or defects; or (b) that the Services (including PlatformE RealTime or any Additional Service) shall be compatible with any other software or service or with any hardware or equipment except to the extent expressly referred to as compatible in the relevant Documentation.
8.8 Other than as set out in this clause 8, and subject to clause 15.5, all warranties, conditions, terms, undertakings or obligations whether express or implied and including any implied terms relating to quality, fitness for any particular purpose or ability to achieve a particular result are excluded to the fullest extent allowed by applicable law.
9. Customer's responsibilities
9.1 The Customer shall (and shall ensure all Authorised Users shall) at all times comply with all applicable laws relating to the use or receipt of the Services, including laws relating to privacy, data protection and use of systems and communications.
9.2 Use of the Services is at all times subject to the Customer's compliance with this Agreement and the requirements identified in this Agreement (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the Documentation and the Acceptable Use Policy).
9.3 The Customer shall provide PlatformE with: (a) the Pre-Requisites; and (b) all assistance as PlatformE may reasonably require from time to time, and the Customer acknowledges that PlatformE's ability to provide Services may be adversely affected, interrupted and/or delayed if the Customer does not provide such information, assistance or access.
9.4 PlatformE shall have no liability for any delays, interruptions or other problems to the extent caused (in whole or in part) by the Customer's failure to comply with its obligations under this Agreement.
9.5 The Customer agrees to assist PlatformE in the creation of: (a) one or more case study(ies) concerning the Customer's experiences of the Services; and (b) testimonials from the relevant business division of the Customer, each of which PlatformE may use for its business purposes as it sees fit.
9.6 The Customer shall provide Feedback about the Services (including any improvements, suggestions or bugs) to PlatformE on a no less than quarterly basis.
9.7 The Customer shall provide reasonable information to PlatformE (as PlatformE may reasonably request from time to time) about the financial and sustainability gains achieved by the Customer as a result of using the Services.
9.8 The Customer shall be solely responsible and liable for the Customer Data uploaded and configurated in PlatformE RealTime, including Designs and Design Variants, as well as information such as (but not limited to) lead times, stock, and pricing.
10. Intellectual property
10.1 All Intellectual Property Rights in and to the Services (including in PlatformE RealTime, Documentation, PlatformE Provided Materials, and bespoke interfaces, but excluding any Customer Provided Materials and Results) belong to and shall remain vested in PlatformE or the relevant third-party owner. To the extent that the Customer, any of its Affiliates or any person acting on its or their behalf acquires any Intellectual Property Rights in PlatformE RealTime, Documentation, PlatformE Provided Materials or any other part of the Services, the Customer shall assign or procure the assignment of such Intellectual Property Rights with full title guarantee (including by way of present assignment of future Intellectual Property Rights) to PlatformE or such third party as PlatformE may elect. The Customer shall execute all such documents and do such things as PlatformE may consider necessary to give effect to this clause 10.1.
10.2 All Intellectual Property Rights in and to the Customer Provided Materials, Customer Data and Results belong to and shall remain vested in the Customer or the relevant third-party owner. The Customer and Authorised Users may store or transmit Customer Data using PlatformE RealTime and PlatformE RealTime may interact with Customer Systems. The Customer hereby grants a royalty-free, non-transferable, non-exclusive licence for PlatformE (and each of its direct and indirect sub-contractors) to use, copy and other otherwise utilise the Customer Data, Results, Customer Provided Materials, and Customer Systems to the extent necessary to perform, provide, improve or enhance the Services or to exercise or perform PlatformE's rights, remedies and obligations under this Agreement.
10.3 To the extent Non-PlatformE Materials are made available to, or used by or on behalf of the Customer or any Authorised User in connection with the use or provision of PlatformE RealTime, such use of Non-PlatformE Materials (including all licence terms) shall be exclusively governed by applicable third-party terms notified or made available by PlatformE or the third party and not by this Agreement. PlatformE grants no Intellectual Property Rights or other rights in connection with any Non-PlatformE Materials.
10.4 PlatformE may use any feedback and suggestions for improvement relating to the Services provided by the Customer or any Authorised User without charge or limitation ('Feedback'). The Customer hereby assigns (or shall or procure the assignment) of all Intellectual Property Rights in the Feedback with full title guarantee (including by way of present assignment of future Intellectual Property Rights) to PlatformE at the time such Feedback is first provided to PlatformE.
10.5 Except for the rights expressly granted in this Agreement, the Customer, any Authorised User and their direct and indirect sub-contractors, shall not acquire in any way any title, rights of ownership, or Intellectual Property Rights of whatever nature in the Services (or any part including PlatformE RealTime or Documentation) and no Intellectual Property Rights of either party are transferred or licensed as a result of this Agreement.
10.6 The Customer hereby grants PlatformE a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide and royalty-free licence to use the Customer's name, logo and trade mark in order to refer to the supply by PlatformE of the Services on PlatformE's website and in PlatformE's sales and promotion material.
10.7 PlatformE agrees, in relation to its use of the names and trademarks described in clause 10.6, to adhere to the reasonable instructions of the Customer as to the form and manner in which the marks may be used and shall adhere to the Customer's brand guidelines (as notified to PlatformE from time-to-time).
10.8 The Customer and Authorised Users will not remove, obscure, or alter PlatformE's copyright notices, trademarks, other proprietary rights notices, or any other content of any kind appearing in the Services, PlatformE RealTime, or Documentation. Nothing in this Agreement shall transfer or assign any right, title or interest in the applicable product or components of the Services to the Customer.
10.9 The Customer grants PlatformE a non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide licence to use the case studies created in accordance with clause 9.5.
10.10 The Customer can only post and/or upload Intellectual Property that is either owned by the Customer or for which the Customer has written authorization from the Intellectual Property owner. The Customer represents and warrants that any Intellectual Property posted by the Customer is owned by the Customer or that the Customer has authorization from the Intellectual Property owner to post it. The Intellectual Property must comply with international trademark and copyright laws. The Customer will provide PlatformE with evidence of the Customer Intellectual Property Rights if requested by PlatformE. If the Customer believes that someone has improperly used the Custome's copyrights or trademarks, the Customer should report it to PlatformE at support@platforme.com.
10.11 This clause 10 shall survive the termination of this Agreement.
11. PlatformE indemnity
11.1 Subject to clauses 11.2 and 11.5, PlatformE shall indemnify, keep indemnified and hold harmless the Customer from and against any losses, claims, damages, liability, costs (including legal and other professional fees) and expenses incurred by it (or any of its Affiliates) as a result of any third party alleging that the Customer's use of the Services infringes any Intellectual Property Right (an 'IP Claim').
11.2 The provisions of clause 11.1 shall not apply unless the Customer: (a) promptly (and in any event within 20 Business Days) notifies PlatformE upon becoming aware of any actual or threatened IP Claim and provides full written particulars; (b) makes no comment or admission and takes no action that may adversely affect PlatformE's ability to defend or settle the IP Claim; (c) provides all assistance reasonably required by PlatformE subject to PlatformE paying the Customer's reasonable costs; and (d) gives PlatformE sole authority to defend or settle the IP Claim as PlatformE considers appropriate.
11.3 The provisions of clause 15 (Limitation of Liability) shall apply to any payment of costs and damages awarded or agreed in settlement or final judgment of an IP Claim under clause 11.1.
11.4 In the event of any IP Claim PlatformE may elect to terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice and promptly refund to the Customer on a pro-rata basis for any unused proportion of Fees paid in advance. This clause 11.4 is without prejudice to the Customer's rights and remedies under clauses 11.1.
11.5 PlatformE shall have no liability or obligation under this clause 11 in respect of any IP Claim which arises in whole or in part from: (a) any modification of the Services (or any part) without PlatformE's express written approval; (b) any Non-PlatformE Materials; (c) any Customer Data; (d) any breach of this Agreement by the Customer; (e) installation or use of the Services (or any part) otherwise than in accordance with this Agreement; or (f) installation or use of the Services (or any part) in combination with any software, hardware or data that has not been supplied or expressly authorised by PlatformE.
11.6 Subject to clause 15 (Limitation of Liability) the provisions of this clause 11 set out the Customer's sole and exclusive remedy (howsoever arising, including in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise) for any IP Claim.
12. Customer indemnity
12.1 Subject to clauses 12.2 and 12.3, the Customer shall indemnify, keep indemnified and hold harmless PlatformE (on PlatformE's own behalf and on behalf of each of PlatformE's Affiliates) from and against any losses, claims, damages, liability, costs (including legal and other professional fees) and expenses incurred by it (or any of its Affiliates) as a result of any third party alleging that the Customer Provided Materials or Customer Data (without prejudice to PlatformE's obligations under applicable data protection law) infringes the rights, including any Intellectual Property Rights, of a third party.
12.2 The provisions of clause 12.1 shall not apply unless PlatformE: (a) promptly (and in any event within 20 Business Days) notifies the Customer upon becoming aware of any actual or threatened claim and provides full written particulars; (b) makes no comment or admission and takes no action that may adversely affect the Customer's ability to defend or settle the claim; (c) provides all assistance reasonably required by the Customer subject to the Customer paying PlatformE's reasonable costs; and (d) gives the Customer sole authority to defend or settle the claim as the Customer considers appropriate.
12.3 The Customer shall have no liability or obligation under this clause 12 in respect of any claim which arises in whole or in part from: (a) any breach of this Agreement by PlatformE; or (b) use of the Customer Provided Materials or Customer Data (or any part) otherwise than in accordance with the Customer's instructions.
12.4 This clause 12 shall survive termination of this Agreement.
13. Customer Systems and Customer Data
13.1 The Customer acknowledges that the Services do not include dedicated data back up or disaster recovery facilities (and the Customer should ensure it at all times maintains backups of all Customer Data).
13.2 Customer Data shall at all times remain the property of the Customer or its licensors.
13.3 Except to the extent PlatformE has direct obligations under applicable data protection laws, the Customer acknowledges that PlatformE has no control over which Customer Data is hosted as part of the provision of the Services and may not actively monitor or have access to the content of the Customer Data. The Customer shall ensure (and is exclusively responsible for) the accuracy, quality, integrity and legality of the Customer Data and that its use (including use in connection with the Service) complies with all applicable laws.
13.4 If PlatformE becomes aware of any allegation that any Customer Data may not comply with this Agreement, PlatformE shall have the right to delete or otherwise remove or suspend access to any Customer Data which is suspected of being in breach of any of the foregoing from the Services and/or disclose Customer Data to law enforcement authorities (in each case without the need to consult the Customer). Where reasonably practicable and lawful PlatformE shall notify the Customer before taking such action.
13.5 Except as otherwise expressly agreed in this Agreement, PlatformE shall not be obliged to provide the Customer with any assistance extracting, transferring or recovering any data whether during or after the Term. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that it is responsible for maintaining safe backups and copies of any Customer Data, including as necessary to ensure the continuation of the Customer's business. The Customer shall, without limitation, ensure that it backs up (or procures the back up of) all Customer Data regularly (in accordance with its and its' Authorised User's needs) and extracts it from PlatformE RealTime prior to the termination of this Agreement or the cessation or suspension of any of the Services.
13.6 Unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing, the Customer hereby instructs that PlatformE shall within 60 days of the end of the provision of the Services (or any part) relating to the processing of the Customer Data securely dispose of such Customer Data processed in relation to the Services (or any part) which have ended (and all existing copies of it) except to the extent that any applicable law requires PlatformE to store such Customer Data. PlatformE shall have no liability (howsoever arising, including in negligence) for any deletion or destruction of any such Customer Data undertaken in accordance with this Agreement.
14. Relief
14.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, PlatformE shall not be liable for any breach, delay or default in the performance of this Agreement to the extent the same (or the circumstances giving rise to the same) arises or was contributed to by any Relief Event.
15. Limitation of liability
15.1 The extent of the party's liability under or in connection with this Agreement (regardless of whether such liability arises in tort, contract or in any other way and whether or not caused by negligence or misrepresentation or under any indemnity) shall be as set out in this clause 15.
15.2 Subject to clause 15.6, PlatformE's total aggregate liability howsoever arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall not exceed £5,000. .
15.3 Subject to clause 15.6, PlatformE's aggregate liability in respect of each individual Free or Trial Service (and all Support Services provided in connection with the same) (howsoever arising under or in connection with this Agreement) shall not exceed £5,000.
15.4 Subject to clause 15.6, PlatformE shall not be liable for consequential, indirect or special losses.
15.5 Subject to clause 15.6, PlatformE shall not be liable for any of the following (whether direct or indirect): loss of profit or revenue; destruction, loss of use or corruption of data; loss or corruption of software or systems; loss or damage to equipment; loss of use; loss of production; loss of contract; loss of opportunity; loss of savings, discount or rebate (whether actual or anticipated); and/or harm to reputation or loss of goodwill.
15.6 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, PlatformE's liability shall not be limited in any way in respect of the following: (a) death or personal injury caused by negligence; (b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or (c) any other losses which cannot be excluded or limited by applicable law.
15.7 PlatformE is not responsible for the physical products created, sold or transacted via the use of Real Time. The full responsibility of the physical products, including quality, invoicing, logistic and customer support is not transferred to PlatformE or Real time. As a consequence, PlatformE is not responsible for production order creation or implementation.
15.8 This clause 15 shall survive the termination of this Agreement.
16. Suspension
16.1 PlatformE may suspend access to the Services to all or some of the Authorised Users if: (a) PlatformE reasonably suspects that there has been a serious misuse of the Services; or (b) the Customer fails to pay any sums due to PlatformE by the due date for payment and such amount remains unpaid within 15 Business Days after the Customer has received notification that the payment is overdue.
16.2 Where the reason for the suspension is suspected misuse of the Services, without prejudice to its rights under clause 17, PlatformE will take steps to investigate the issue and may restore or continue to suspend access at its discretion (acting reasonably).
16.3 In relation to suspensions under clause 16.1, access to the Services will be restored promptly after PlatformE receives payment in full and cleared funds.
16.4 Fees shall remain payable during any period of suspension notwithstanding that the Customer or some or all of the Authorised Users may not have access to the Services.
17. Term and termination
17.1 This Agreement shall come into force on the Effective Date and, unless terminated earlier in accordance with its terms, shall continue for the duration of the Term.
17.2 After the Initial Term (or Renewal Term, as applicable), this Agreement shall automatically renew for a Renewal Term on the anniversary of the Effective Date, unless either party provides the other with written notice of non-renewal no later than 30 days prior to the expiration of the Initial Term or any Renewal Term (as applicable). This clause 17.2 shall not apply in respect of Free or Trial Services (which shall not renew unless otherwise expressly stated in the Commercial Schedule).
17.3 Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately at any time by giving notice in writing to the other party if: (a) the other party commits a material breach of this Agreement and such breach is not remediable; (b) the other party commits a material breach of this Agreement which is not remedied within 20 Business Days of receiving written notice of such breach; or (c) the other party has failed to pay any amount due under this Agreement on the due date and such amount remains unpaid within 15 Business Days after the other party has received notification that the payment is overdue.
17.4 PlatformE may terminate or suspend the provision of Free or Trial Services (and all related Support Services) at any time with or without notice.
17.5 Immediately on termination of this Agreement (for any reason), the rights granted by PlatformE under this Agreement shall terminate and the Customer shall (and shall procure that each Authorised User shall) stop using the Services and destroy and delete or, if requested by PlatformE, return any copies of the Documentation in its possession or control (or in the possession or control of any person acting on behalf of any of them).
17.6 Termination of this Agreement shall not affect any accrued rights and liabilities of either party at any time up to the date of termination and shall not affect any provision of this Agreement that is expressly or by implication intended to continue beyond termination.
18. Miscellaneous
18.1 Data protection. PlatformE and the Customer shall comply with all applicable data protection laws in respect of the Services.
18.2 Confidentiality. Each party undertakes that it shall not at any time during the Term and for a period of five (5) years after termination of this Agreement, disclose to any person any confidential information concerning the business, affairs, customers, clients or suppliers of the other party, except as permitted by this clause 18.2. Each party may disclose the other party's confidential information: (i) to its employees, officers, representatives or advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of exercising the party's rights or carrying out its obligations under this Agreement. Each party shall ensure that its employees, officers, representatives or advisers to whom it discloses the other party's confidential information comply with this clause 18.2; and (ii) as may be required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction or any governmental or regulatory authority. Neither party shall use the other party's confidential information for any purpose other than to exercise its rights and perform its obligations under or in connection with this Agreement.
18.3 Entire agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous agreements, understandings and arrangements between them in respect of its subject matter, whether in writing or oral. Each party acknowledges that it has not entered into this Agreement in reliance on, and shall have no remedies in respect of, any representation or warranty that is not expressly set out in this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall limit or exclude any liability for fraud.
18.4 Notices. Any notice given by a party under this Agreement shall be sent by email and shall be deemed to have been received at the time of transmission, or, if this time falls outside business hours in the place of receipt, when business hours resume. Notices to PlatformE shall be sent to finance@platforme.com and notices to the Customer shall be sent to the email address specified in the Commercial Schedule. This clause 18.4 does not apply to notices given in legal proceedings or arbitration.
18.5 Variation. Without prejudice to clause 6, no variation of this Agreement shall be valid or effective unless it is made in writing, refers to this Agreement and is duly signed or executed by, or on behalf of, each party.
18.6 Assignment and subcontracting. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, PlatformE may at any time assign, sub-contract, sub-licence (including by multi-tier), transfer, mortgage, charge, declare a trust of or deal in any other manner with any or all of its rights or obligations under this Agreement. Except as expressly permitted by this Agreement, the Customer shall not assign, transfer, sub-contract, sub-licence, mortgage, charge, declare a trust of or deal in any other manner with any or all of its rights or obligations under this Agreement (including the licence rights granted), in whole or in part, without PlatformE's prior written consent.
18.7 Set off. Each party shall pay all sums that it owes to the other party under this Agreement without any set-off, counterclaim, deduction or withholding of any kind, save as may be required by law.
18.8 No partnership or agency. The parties are independent and are not partners or principal and agent and this Agreement does not establish any joint venture, trust, fiduciary or other relationship between them, other than the contractual relationship expressly provided for in it. Neither party shall have, nor shall represent that it has, any authority to make any commitments on the other party's behalf.
18.9 Severance. If any provision of this Agreement (or part of any provision) is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the legality, validity and enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement shall not be affected. If any provision of this Agreement (or part of any provision) is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable but would be legal, valid and enforceable if some part of it was deleted or modified, the provision or part-provision in question shall apply with such deletions or modifications as may be necessary to make the provision legal, valid and enforceable. In the event of such deletion or modification, the parties shall negotiate in good faith in order to agree the terms of a mutually acceptable alternative provision.
18.10 Waiver. No failure, delay or omission by either party in exercising any right, power or remedy provided by law or under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver of that right, power or remedy, nor shall it preclude or restrict any future exercise of that or any other right, power or remedy. No single or partial exercise of any right, power or remedy provided by law or under this Agreement shall prevent any future exercise of it or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. A waiver of any term, provision, condition or breach of this Agreement shall only be effective if given in writing and signed by the waiving party, and then only in the instance and for the purpose for which it is given.
18.11 Third party rights. A person who is not a party to this Agreement shall not have any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any of its provisions.
18.12 Authority. Each party represents and warrants to the other that it has the right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement and grant to the other the rights (if any) contemplated in this Agreement and to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
18.13 Governing law and jurisdiction. This Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of, or in connection with, it, its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of England and Wales. The parties irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of, or in connection with, this Agreement, its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).

Schedule 1

Definitions and interpretation

In this Agreement:
'Account Users' Authorised Users who have 'account user' functionality, as further described in the Documentation;
'Additional Service Fee' in respect of each Additional Service, the fees payable by the Customer in consideration of that Additional Service, as notified to Customer by PlatformE in writing;
'Additional Service Terms' in respect of each Additional Service, any specific additional or amended terms that are relevant to that Additional Service (as updated from time to time) and made available to the Customer;
'Additional Services' the additional services (including additional features or functionality) and deliverables available from PlatformE from time to time and as may be requested by the Customer. By way of illustration, Additional Services may include: 3D creation; 3DBuild Packaging (PRC and CSR); 3D Consultancy; Tech Consultancy; and Project Management;
'Affiliate' in respect of any entity, any entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under common control with that entity within the meaning set out in section 1124 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010;
'Authorised Users' the users authorised by the Customer to use PlatformE RealTime in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, comprising Head Users and Account Users;
'Business Day' a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or bank or public holiday in Portugal;
'Capacity' the number of Designs and Design Variants available to be used by the Customer on PlatformE Real Time;
'Commercial Schedule' the commercial terms agreed between the parties in respect of this Agreement, as set out at Schedule 2;
'Customer Data' all data (in any form) that is provided to PlatformE or uploaded or hosted on any part of any Subscribed Service by the Customer or by any Authorised User, including Designs and Design Variants (but excluding Feedback);
'Customer Provided Materials' all of the Materials provided or made available by or on behalf of the Customer;
'Customer Systems' all software and systems used by or on behalf of the Customer, any of its direct or indirect sub-contractors, or any Authorised User in connection with the provision or receipt any of the Services or that the Services otherwise, link, inter-operate or interface with or utilise (in each case whether directly or indirectly);
'Designs' designs of products that can be uploaded onto PlatformE RealTime;
'Design Variant ' changeable aspects of a Design (or part of a Design), being colour and materials, that can be uploaded to PlatformE RealTime;
'Documentation' all information, materials, instructions and documentation made available to the Customer by PlatformE from time to time, relating to the use and operation of the Services, including but not limited to any technical specification requirements and guidelines (for example on preparing files for PlatformE RealTime, and utilisation rules);
'Effective Date' the date at the beginning of this Agreement;
'Feedback' has the meaning given to it in clause 10.4;
'Fees' the User Fee, the Listing Fee, any Additional Service Fee and any other amounts payable to PlatformE under this Agreement;
'Force Majeure' an event or sequence of events beyond a party's reasonable control preventing or delaying it from performing its obligations under this Agreement (provided that an inability to pay is not Force Majeure), including any matters relating to transfer of data over public communications networks and any delays or problems associated with any such networks or with the internet;
'Free or Trial Service' means any Subscribed Service identified as being provided on a trial basis or provided without charge (for the duration of the period during which it is provided on such basis);
'Head Users' Authorised Users who have 'head user' functionality, as further described in the Documentation;
'Individual Person' refers to a single human being, distinct from a corporate or legal entity, who is recognized by law as having certain rights and responsibilities. At least 18 years of age, capable of entering into contracts, being subject to legal obligations, and exercising their legal rights. Furthermore, an Individual Person is solely responsible for their actions and decisions.
'Initial Term' a period of 1 year from the Effective Date;
'Intellectual Property Rights' any and all copyright, neighbouring and related rights, rights in inventions, patents, know-how, trade secrets, trade marks and trade names, service marks, design rights, rights in get-up, database rights and rights in data, semiconductor chip topography rights, utility models, domain names and all similar rights and, in each case (a) whether registered or not; (b) including any applications to protect or register such rights; (c) including all renewals and extensions of such rights or applications; (d) whether vested, contingent or future; and (e) wherever existing;
'IP Claim' has the meaning given to it in clause 11.1;
'Listing Fee' the fees payable by the Customer for access to and use of the Capacity, as set out in the Commercial Schedule or, in the case of the purchase of additional Capacity by the Customer during the Term, as notified by PlatformE to Customer in writing;
'Materials' all services, data, information, content, Intellectual Property Rights, websites, software and other materials provided in connection with the Services, but excluding all Customer Data;
'Non-PlatformE Materials' Materials provided, controlled or owned by or on behalf of a third party the use of which is subject to a separate agreement or licence between the Customer and the relevant third party (including such Non-PlatformE Materials which may be linked to, interact with or used by the Services) and all other Materials expressly identified as Non-PlatformE Materials in this Agreement;
'Plan' Pricing Plan for the use of Real Time, available in PlatformE Website.
'PlatformE Provided Materials' all of the Materials provided or made available by or on behalf of PlatformE, but excluding all Customer Data and all Non-PlatformE Materials;
'PlatformE RealTime' has the meaning given to it in the 'Background' section of this Agreement;
'Pre-Requisites' the pre-requisite information the Customer must provide to PlatformE to use the Services, as notified to the Customer by PlatformE in writing or set out in the Documentation, including, for the avoidance of doubt, visual assets according to PlatformE's written guidelines as notified to the Customer (as may be updated from time to time);
'Products' refers to all products offered by different Providers on our Website including, but not limited to clothing, accessories, footwear, and and other;
'Providers' refers to the organisations and companies, including its third-party contract manufacturer, that PlatformE partners within the scope of its Service to offer Products to the Customer;
'Registration' the act of creating an account on PlatformE RealTime
'Relief Event'
(a) any breach of this Agreement by the Customer; or
(b) any Force Majeure;
'Renewal Term' a period of 1 year renewing on each anniversary of the Effective Date;
'Results' the output created by the Customer on PlatformE RealTime;
'Service Level Agreement' means the service level agreement agreed between PlatformE and the Customer in respect of the Services;
'Services' the Subscribed Services, Additional Services and Support Services;
'Special Terms' any terms set out in paragraph 3 of the Commercial Schedule;
'Subscribed Services' the access to PlatformE RealTime and any Additional Services to which the Customer has subscribed (and 'Subscribed Service' shall refer to each respective service separately);
'Support Services' in respect of the Subscribed Service, the support services provided by PlatformE to the Customer;
'Term' means the Initial Term and Renewal Term(s) (if any);
'User Fee' the fees payable by the Customer for access to PlatformE RealTime by Authorised Users, as set out in the Commercial Schedule or, in the case of the purchase of additional Authorised Users by the Customer during the Term, as notified by PlatformE to Customer in writing; and
'VAT' means United Kingdom value added tax, any other tax imposed in substitution for it and any equivalent or similar tax imposed outside the United Kingdom;
2 In this Agreement, unless otherwise stated:
2.1 the table of contents, recitals section and the clause, paragraph, schedule or other headings in this Agreement are included for convenience only and shall have no effect on interpretation;
2.2 PlatformE and the Customer are together the 'parties' and each a 'party', and a reference to a 'party' includes that party's successors and permitted assigns;
2.3 words in the singular include the plural and vice versa;
2.4 any words that follow 'include', 'includes', 'including', 'in particular' or any similar words and expressions shall be construed as illustrative only and shall not limit the sense of any word, phrase, term, definition or description preceding those words;
2.5 a reference to 'writing' or 'written' includes any method of reproducing words in a legible and non-transitory form (including email);
2.6 the Schedules to this Agreement form part of (and are incorporated into) this Agreement;
2.7 any defined terms used in a Schedule shall have the same meaning as set forth for such terms in this Agreement;
2.8 a reference to specific legislation is a reference to that legislation as amended, extended, re-enacted or consolidated from time to time and a reference to legislation includes all subordinate legislation made as at the date of this Agreement under that legislation; and
2.9 a reference to any English action, remedy, method of judicial proceeding, court, official, legal document, legal status, legal doctrine, legal concept or thing shall, in respect of any jurisdiction other than England, be deemed to include a reference to that which most nearly approximates to the English equivalent in that jurisdiction.

Schedule 2

Commercial Schedule

To be individually shared by Platforme commercial team.

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